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Privacy Policy

Last update on December 05, 2023

Welcome to Urus Rent A Car Dubai!

Here at Urus Rent A Car Dubai, your privacy isn't just a priority; it's part of our journey together. We understand the road can be unpredictable, but one thing that remains constant is our commitment to keeping your personal information safe and sound. This Privacy Policy outlines how we collect, use, and protect your info. Fasten your seatbelt, and let’s dive into the details!

What Information We Collect

When you embark on the Urus adventure, we might ask for a bit of info to make your journey smoother, such as:

  • Personal Details: Like your name, email address, and a selfie with your favorite car (just kidding about the selfie).
  • Rental Records: Details about the vehicles you rent, dates, preferences, and maybe your thoughts on whether you're a coupe or SUV kind of person.
  • Payment Information: We keep this super secure. Only the last four digits of your credit card might make a cameo appearance on your receipt.

How We Use Your Information

We use your information to:

  • Enhance Your Experience: Tailoring your car rental experience, faster booking processes, and offering you deals that might actually interest you.
  • Safety First: We use info to protect you, our fleet, and to ensure every ride is as smooth as the Dubai skyline.
  • Communication: To send you important info about your rentals, our new offers, or changes to this Privacy Policy (though we promise not to spam your inbox).

Sharing Your Information

  • Trust Circle: We only share your info with our trusted partners who help us provide you with our services. Think of them as the pit crew to your Formula 1 race.
  • Legal Requirements: If the law comes knocking, we may share your information in response to legal processes (but we'll always let you know when we can).

Your Rights

You have the driver’s seat when it comes to your information:

  • Access and Update: Want to see the info we have on you or update it? Just shoot us an email.
  • Opt-Out: Not feeling our newsletters? You can unsubscribe faster than accelerating in a Lamborghini.

Protecting Your Information

We protect your information like it's a rare, vintage car. We use industry-standard security measures to prevent unauthorized access, maintain data accuracy, and ensure the correct use of information.

Cookies and Tracking

Yes, we use cookies, but not the kind you eat. They help make our website more user-friendly and are always handled with care.

Changes to This Policy

Our journey evolves, and so will this policy. We'll notify you of any significant changes, but feel free to review it periodically.

Contact Us

Questions, comments, or need some travel tips? Contact us anytime at [your contact information].

Ride Safely with Us

Your trust is what drives us, and we’re committed to protecting your privacy as you explore the roads with Urus Rent A Car Dubai. Let’s make every journey memorable, for all the right reasons.

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